Get the Medical Care You Need to Successfully Detox From Addictive Substances
There are many reasons to decided to make a major life change, and maybe there are just many discouraging you from giving up an addiction. Not the least is the likely whiplash you’ll likely experience physically and mentally when attempting to detox. Your body has spent a long time learning to adapt to and depend on the substance, and it’s not going to be easy to let go. However, with our medical detox treatment to support you, you have what it takes to conquer addiction once and for all.

What Can I Expect When Undergoing a Detox?
Depending on the extent of your addiction and the type of substance used, withdrawal symptoms can be incredibly painful for those first few days. Those substances have always been harming your body, and it now needs to go through some painful processes to eliminate it entirely from your system.
This can result in nausea, headaches, cramps, vomiting and diarrhea, insomnia, depression, and difficulty thinking. However, it’s essential to remember that all of these symptoms are only temporary, and you’ll only feel better with each passing day. As you continue to recover, your body will feel better than you ever remember it feeling before.
How Can Medical Detox Help Me Get Through This?
Our care specialists utilize FDA-approved medication to help reduce any or all of the symptoms mentioned above. In some cases, it may alleviate symptoms almost entirely, but it will generally serve to help reduce your level of discomfort.
The essential detail about these medications is that they are formulated in a way that makes them nearly impossible to abuse. This will alleviate concerns you or others may have about replacing one dependency with another. Additionally, we will utilize approved medications to help you deal with cravings to use even after your body is clean.
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We Implement Programs That Are Patient-Specific. Your Length of Treatment Depends on a Variety of Factors.
Your recovery journey can be affected by a variety of factors that our medical and clinical team will assess before implementing a program unique to your needs.
Your length of stay will be affected by the nature of your existing problems and whether or not you have a history with substance addiction or any identifiable mental health problems.
We provide a comprehensive assessment to determine these factors accurately. Once the assessment is complete, we use that information to create the foundation for your Master Treatment Plan.
Client & Peer Recommendations
You can always count on our team to provide you with the highest level of medical treatment care possible
“I know Dr. Jose Toledo's quality of care is unsurpassed anywhere. He has gone extra lengths to ensure the very best treatment is made available for those in need. I support his work highly.”
“The loving staff here stuck by me even after all the times I wanted to give up on myself. They saved my life, and I feel like I can't ever repay the care and support they gave me to pick myself back up again.”
“I had to send family here when we felt we had no other options to help him with his addiction. He needed a professional. Thanks to their assistance, he has been sober for over a year now, and looks happier and healthier than ever before.”
“The facility is extremely warm and accommodating. I didn't realize how desperately I needed a quiet place to recover. I was surrounded by the warmest, kindest, caring people you could imagine that support you through everything.”