Expert Primary Health Residential Treatment for a Variety of Disorders
There are a variety of mental health disorders that exist, and all of them are often misunderstood. These issues can be brought on naturally through a chemical imbalance in the brain or through a traumatic experience that left a lasting impression on your mind.
When talking about addiction, understanding your mental health is an essential factor in helping your recovery. Mental health problems can be both created by and exacerbated by substance abuse. An individual who struggles with depression and anxiety in their everyday life is more vulnerable to becoming addicted to drugs or alcohol as a coping mechanism. Likewise, consistently using a substance can create feelings of anxiety and depression. These feelings then create the urge to use again, and an addiction is formed because of this vicious cycle.

Why Are Mental Health Problems and Addiction Often Connected?
There’s a clear connection between mental health problems and addiction, and this connection is often referred to as ‘self-medication.’ Individuals who are aware of their feelings and otherwise cannot manage them may turn to certain negative behaviors such as drinking, smoking, or using drugs in an effort to calm hectic thoughts and feelings of depression. Others may utilize certain types of substances in an effort to spark energy where they otherwise feel lethargic and unmotivated.
However, addiction may not always be so obvious, due to the increased normalization of certain substance use in social situations. For example, it’s quite normal for groups to feature alcohol as a focal point in social gatherings as it helps ease social anxiety and aspects of your mental health that you feel hold you back.
Many people may see this drug use as acceptable and normal, but failure to address the mental health concerns responsible for fueling the need in the first place is one of the ways that addiction takes root. A person may not realize just how dependent they’ve become on a substance before they’re already unable to help themselves.
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How Do We Treat Mental Health Problems?
The first goal is to help you get clean from your addiction. When you’re dependent on or under the influence of a substance, you are not able to think about your situation with a clear mind, nor are you likely to be as receptive to those who are looking to help you recover.
At Neuro Psychiatric Addiction Clinic, we not only provide treatment for your drug addiction to help you detox, but we accurately assess your mental health to better understand if there is a disorder present that requires therapy and treatment.
With our mental health residential care, you will receive a treatment plan that is tailored to your individual needs. We offer individual therapy, group therapy, and family counseling services. We also provide art, music, and recreational therapy that can benefit your recovery in different ways.
Our case managers will also help to plan and coordinate your aftercare to ensure that you have access to psychology or psychiatry services that can help improve your mental health and get effective treatment that works for disorders, so that you no longer feel the need to rely on substances for relief.
Confront Your Mental Health Disorder
There are many reasons why we may not seek help for mental health disorders. There’s still often an unfortunate stigma surrounding poor mental health, despite the fact that more and more cases are diagnosed every day, all of which vary in severity and can greatly impact your day-to-day life. Some individuals may not even realize they have a mental health concern without professional help.
Neuro Psychiatric Addiction Clinic can help to diagnose and treat your mental health concerns with our mental health residential care. You’ll have access to stay at our facility, while you safely detox from substance abuse and receive a high level of care and counseling that will help you better understand your mental health and what to do to improve it. It’s essential to diagnose and understand your mental health disorder to give you the greatest chance for long-term recovery from addiction.
Client & Peer Recommendations
You can always count on our team to provide you with the highest level of medical treatment care possible
“I know Dr. Jose Toledo's quality of care is unsurpassed anywhere. He has gone extra lengths to ensure the very best treatment is made available for those in need. I support his work highly.”
“The loving staff here stuck by me even after all the times I wanted to give up on myself. They saved my life, and I feel like I can't ever repay the care and support they gave me to pick myself back up again.”
“I had to send family here when we felt we had no other options to help him with his addiction. He needed a professional. Thanks to their assistance, he has been sober for over a year now, and looks happier and healthier than ever before.”
“The facility is extremely warm and accommodating. I didn't realize how desperately I needed a quiet place to recover. I was surrounded by the warmest, kindest, caring people you could imagine that support you through everything.”